Further Open Science Activities and Services
In addition to the SPKtrum, the individual institutions within the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz offer special digital services in the field of Open Science
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (SMB)
- Open-Science-Website [ smb.museum/open-science]
- Online-Catalogues & Databases [ https://www.smb.museum/forschung/online-kataloge-datenbanken/]
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB)
- Open-Access-Website [ http://sbb.berlin/openaccess]
- Digitized Collections [ https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/]
- ZEFYS - the newspaper information system of Berlin State Library [ https://zefys.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/]
Geheimes Staatsarchiv (GStA PK)
- Website GStA [ https://gsta.preussischer-kulturbesitz.de]
- Archival holdings and Findbooks [ https://archivdatenbank.gsta.spk-berlin.de/midosasearch-gsta/MidosaSEARCH/Bestaendeuebersicht/index.htm]
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut (IAI)
- Publication Service [ https://publications.iai.spk-berlin.de]
- Journals [ https://journals.iai.spk-berlin.de]
- Digitized Collections [ https://digital.iai.spk-berlin.de]
Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung (SIM PK)
- Open Science in the SIM [ https://simpk.de/forschung/open-science-im-sim.html]
- Digitized Collections [ https://digital.sim.spk-berlin.de/viewer/index/]