Notes for authors
Before using the publication service for the first time, you must first register. To do so, please complete the registration form. After registration, you, as the owner of the respective copyrights, have the possibility to publish your own contributions that meet scientific standards on SPKtrum.
Submitting documents
You start the publication process by logging in to SPKtrum. After entering and saving the bibliographic metadata of your contribution, please upload the corresponding file(s) to the repository using the menu fields "Actions" and "Add a file area". If possible, please select open, non-proprietary or widely used file formats, e.g. PDF (preferably as PDF/A) or MP3/4, and make sure that the files are not password protected or read-only.
Internal quality assurance
Please note that the contributions you intend to publish will only be released on SPKtrum after formal and content-related review. Especially if they are first publications or second publications without previous quality-assured publication procedures, an internal review process may be carried out for quality assurance. If such a process is initiated, you will be informed about it and its outcome in a timely manner.
Copyright and rights of use
You are responsible for ensuring that no copyrights or other rights of third parties are infringed - for example in the context of joint publications. With the upload of your document as well as on the basis of the publication contact, SPKtrum is granted a simple right of use for the distribution and public accessibility of the work on the Internet as well as the supplementary right to make changes to the respective file format, in particular for archiving purposes.
Publication contract
Please send the publication contract, completed in full and provided with your electronic signature, in PDF file format by e-mail to:
First publication
If the document intended for publication on SPKtrum is a first publication, the exclusive right of use remains with you, which means that you can dispose the work you have created in any other way you wish. In the interest of unique personal identification, SPKtrum recommends to use the free Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) and will support you in uploading your contributions if you wish.
Content indexing
All content published on SPKtrum is made full-text searchable using search engine technology. To ensure thematic browsing of all content on SPKtrum, you are also asked to systematically enrich your work with descriptive metadata. For this purpose you have the possibility to describe the content of your contribution with freely selectable as well as with standardized keywords. Please enter each keyword separately and check - if you want to use standardized vocabulary - via "Search" its conformity with the terminology of the Gemeinsamen Normdatei der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek (GND)integrated in the background. Please use the preferred singular form of the GND keywords.
Rejection, update and deletion of contributions
The editors of SPKtrum reserve the right to refuse the registration as well as the publication of individual contents in justified exceptional cases. Also, a deletion as well as any subsequent modification of documents published on SPKtrum is not intended.
However, you are of course free to republish contributions already published on SPKtrum by uploading an updated version if modifications to the content make this necessary.
If - for example for reasons of criminal law or copyright - public access to an already published contribution is not permitted, access to it will be blocked and this will be announced under its persistent web addresses.
Contact details
If you have any further questions or encounter technical difficulties during the registration process, we will be happy to assist you at any time. Please finde here our contact form.